Team Barracuda

Team Barracuda

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Click on the links below to begin your shopping spree.  

Good Luck!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Visit the website Wonderopolis by clicking the link below.  Once there, listen to the article by clicking on the play button.  Once you have listened to the article, come to me for the next part of your assignment.  The second part of the assignment involves you creating a brochure about the article.  Each member of your group will create his/her own brochure and then together your group will present the information from the article to the classroom.  (

What is a Sonic Boom?

How Loud is Too Loud?

What Makes Sound Louder?

Do Bats Need Maps?

How Can a Voice Break Glass?

Do You Sing in the Shower?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Holiday Fun

Before the holiday break, NSIS had a fun time throwing pies into teachers faces as part of our charity drive fundraiser. 
 Henry with Mrs. Sill
Marryka with Dr. Abondanza

Also, Tyler R was recognized for his efforts in helping with the fundraising drives.